By: 1Barrios, Jaime; 2Alvarez, Darwin; 3Gramajo, Javier
Abstract: The use of Spartano, a biological product, for the control of Thrips, an insect that causes severe damage to crop worldwide. The article highlights the problems of chemical control, the importance of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and the benefits of using biological organisms to reduce insect populations. The study was conducted in five Gardenia nurseries in Homestead, Florida, where Thrips were causing economic damage. The researchers applied Spartano S 45 EW, a biopesticide containing Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana, and Saccharopolyspora spinosa, according to the level of Thrips infestation. The results showed a significant reduction in the adult Thrips population after the first application, with control increasing in subsequent applications. The study concludes that Spartano is an effective biological product for Thrips control and recommends its use as part of a rotation program.
Problem statement: Thrips are a type of insect that causes severe damage to various crops around the world, resulting in considerable losses, including total losses in important crops such as vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals, among others. However, chemical control is becoming ineffective due to the excessive use of chemicals or the lack of knowledge in chemical molecule rotations. Bao et al. (2012) point out that cypermethrin has generated resistance in many species of thrips, which has become resistant due to the consecutive increase in doses. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a tool that helps reduce thrips populations to such low levels that they do not cause economic damage to crops. Studies carried out by Garam-völgyi et al. (2004) indicate that thrips populations have been reduced thanks to the effective action of Metarhizium anisopliae, mainly the adult population, thus minimizing the thrips populations in a plantation. The use and addition of biological organisms allow for benefits to the crop, the first being the reduction of the insect population to be treated, and secondly, the importance of generating more efficient plants in their physiological process while combating a pest without generating stress in the plant during its recovery process. Spartano is a biological product that parasitizes thrips at all stages, thus reducing the population that affects crops in general.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in 5 Gardenia (Gardenia sp.) producing nurseries in Homestead, Florida, United States. These plantations were under high pressure from thrips (Thrips sp.), which were causingeconomic damage to the plantation. Applications were made according to the level of thrips infestation, which were carried out as follows: A) If the infestation level is 4 (70% – 80%) damage, two applications were made at intervals of five days and a third on the seventh day. B) If the infestation level is 1 or 2 (20%) damage, two applications were made at intervals of seven days for maintenance purposes. Scouting was carried out before each application to determine the initial damage threshold and four days after each application to determine the percentage of control. Spartano S 45 EW was used for the applications, which is described in Table 1.
Ingrediente activo | Función |
Metarhizium anisopliae, Beauveria bassiana, Saccharopolyspora spinosa | Bio pesticide |

The dose of Spartano used was 32 ounces in 100 gallons of water, adding 10 ounces of Soil Up and 6 ounces of Spander SL to this product. The applications were carried out in each nursery to determine the efficiency and effectiveness according to the application method of each site.

Source: Crop Science Departament, TrueNatural 2023.
Results: After carrying out the respective scouting before each application to determine the damage threshold, the efficiency and effectiveness of Spartano for thrips control were determined. Table 2 shows the results in thrips counting before and during applications.
Table 2. Scouting of Thrips (Thrips sp) in different nurseries in each of the applications of Spartano S 45 EW in Gardenia cultivation (Gardenia sp.), Homestead, Florida, United States.
Table 2. Scouting of Thrips (Thrips sp) in different nurseries in each of the applications of Spartano S 45 EW in Gardenia cultivation (Gardenia sp.), Homestead, Florida, United States.
Scouting | # thrips per plants | # of thrips larvae per leaf |
Before spray | 23 | 8 |
4 days after the first application | 9 | 3 |
8 days after the first application | 3 | 1 |

Source: Crop Science Departament, TrueNatural 2023.
To achieve greater effect in each of the applications, Spartano 45 EW was applied via Drench in some nurseries to break thrips’ life cycles and thus significantly reduce the population and prevent damage to the plantation. After the first application, a 60% control was observed in the adult population of thrips, which decreased significantly by 33% more in the third application. For maintenance applications, a dose of 28 ounces of Spartano can be used in 100 gallons of water. It is also recommended to apply Spartano as part of an application rotation program for Thrips control.

- It is recommended to apply Spartano 45 EW as part of a weekly rotation program.
- Spartano 45 EW is efficient for thrips control in gardenia plants.
- Perform preventive applications either weekly or biweekly to avoid resistance to chemical products.
1Jaime Orlando Barrios de León, Plant Physiologist, Crop Science Department Director. Connecticut, United States, Phone: +1 (475) 689 – 7898, email:
2Darwin Eliseo Alvarez Asturias, Agricultural Engineer, Sales Representative Connecticut, United States, Phone: + 1 (203) 482 – 2052, email:
3Javier Gramajo López: Data Scientist, Knowledge Management. Connecticut, United States, Phone: +1(203)832-8983), email: